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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000046BrazilFW 3.x[All Projects] BrazilFW 3.xpublic2010-10-27 23:542010-10-28 23:41
Assigned Towoshman 
PlatformOSOS Version
Summary0000046: Subredes setando DNS1 e DNS2 nos clientes DHCP
DescriptionAo adicionar um host DNS no brazilfw.cfg (DNS1 ou DNS2) o host da subrede irá receber este IP como DNS primário. Se a variavel DNSFREECHOICE estiver em 'no', os clientes não conseguiram fazer consultas DNS.

A rotina seta como primario o DNS, ao inves de setar como forwarder:

if [ -n "$DNS1" -o -n "$DNS2" ]; then
   if [ -n "$DNS1" -a -n "$DNS2" ]; then
   elif [ -n "$DNS1" -a -z "$DNS2" ]; then
   elif [ -z "$DNS1" -a -n "$DNS2" ]; then

Entendo que apenas o DHCP_DNS1 e DHCP_DNS2 devam ser usados, e nao DNS1 e DNS2.
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-  Notes
cmartin (reporter)
2010-10-28 21:59

Modificando a função no rc.subnet, com o seguinte teste:

if [ "$DNSSERVER" != "yes" ]; then
   if [ -n "$DNS1" -o -n "$DNS2" ]; then
      if [ -n "$DNS1" -a -n "$DNS2" ]; then
      elif [ -n "$DNS1" -a -z "$DNS2" ]; then
      elif [ -z "$DNS1" -a -n "$DNS2" ]; then

resolve o problema.
woshman (administrator)
2010-10-28 23:41

resolvido na versão 3.0.240

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-10-27 23:54 cmartin New Issue
2010-10-27 23:54 cmartin Status new => assigned
2010-10-27 23:54 cmartin Assigned To => woshman
2010-10-27 23:56 cmartin Description Updated View Revisions
2010-10-28 21:59 cmartin Note Added: 0000101
2010-10-28 23:41 woshman Note Added: 0000102
2010-10-28 23:41 woshman Status assigned => resolved
2010-10-28 23:41 woshman Resolution open => fixed
2010-10-28 23:41 woshman Status resolved => closed

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