MantisBT - BrazilFW 3.x
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0000185BrazilFW 3.x[All Projects] BrazilFW 3.xpublic2014-05-31 13:402014-05-31 13:40
0000185: 2 pppoe over virtual interfaces not connect
Here is the application log output:

May 31 13:21:20 oraculo-gw pppd[8974]: Using interface ppp0
May 31 13:21:20 oraculo-gw daemon.notice pppd[8974]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/1
May 31 13:21:20 oraculo-gw daemon.notice pppd[8983]: Modem hangup
May 31 13:21:20 oraculo-gw pppd[8983]: Using interface ppp1
May 31 13:21:20 oraculo-gw daemon.notice pppd[8983]: Connect: ppp1 <--> /dev/pts/3
May 31 13:21:24 oraculo-gw daemon.err pppoe[23796]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
May 31 13:21:24 oraculo-gw daemon.err pppoe[23799]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
May 31 13:21:51 oraculo-gw daemon.warn pppd[8974]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
May 31 13:21:51 oraculo-gw daemon.notice pppd[8974]: Connection terminated.
May 31 13:21:51 oraculo-gw daemon.warn pppd[8983]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
May 31 13:21:51 oraculo-gw daemon.notice pppd[8983]: Connection terminated.
May 31 13:21:51 oraculo-gw daemon.notice pppd[8974]: Modem hangup
May 31 13:21:51 oraculo-gw pppd[8974]: Using interface ppp0
May 31 13:21:51 oraculo-gw daemon.notice pppd[8974]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/0
May 31 13:21:51 oraculo-gw daemon.notice pppd[8983]: Modem hangup
May 31 13:21:51 oraculo-gw pppd[8983]: Using interface ppp1
May 31 13:21:51 oraculo-gw daemon.notice pppd[8983]: Connect: ppp1 <--> /dev/pts/2
May 31 13:21:55 oraculo-gw daemon.err pppoe[24183]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
May 31 13:21:55 oraculo-gw daemon.err pppoe[24185]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets

create 2 virtual interfaces over the same physical eth
create 2 logicals interfaces PPPoE
the módems have 2 different ips and
the 3 connected to a switch

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Issue History
2014-05-31 13:40arielmzaNew Issue
2014-05-31 13:40arielmzaStatusnew => assigned
2014-05-31 13:40arielmzaAssigned To => woshman

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